haha. today we had some surprise party for shu. and she didnt suspect anything. LOL. dats cool.
kk. last night, william colled.
eh wanna celebrate shuyan's bday? haha. OKAY =P he got some 50%off Br coupon.
kayy. then i told shu that there's gonna be a farewell party for the B.O.Ds haha.
what a lie. =P then ask her to go.
LOL LOL. then she skipped her tuition.
she was always saying she don't wana go. haha. OH SHIT. haha. LOL. now u see how i feel ryte shu. haha. happy hor, shu?? haha. have such good frens... *perasan sia*
why did the money come from? $$
from jieru LOL. 50rm. still got 10 bucks kayy. we very 'han'. haha.
tanpa wang itu, no money no celebrate. haha.
william's eyebrow jess. next time i'm gonna pay bck.
xinying alex jess james +candid.
kayy. shuyan. thanks for being such a good kind nice lovely chubby cute...err...
*crack head* beautiful hot pretty lenglui artistic fren! haha. CHUA SHUYAN.
get to know her. u will love her kao kao. =)
alex----> T.T dun be sad. i got ur back. do more maths quos. sure can de.
haha. xinying ar. u so MAN! haha ^^ camera no battery liao.
fine. james and i created a cool game! its col the saying-out-mjsongs-at-the-same-time-game haha. so long. try it. LOL. and he ate the ice cream toast that no one wants to eat. cos it was melting. haha. destiny james. u and food. == lattalilattalitampom! LOL. we are some lifeless fellas.
haha. william. thanks alot for scarying me. SPIDER THERE! ==
update about installation will come soon. wait laa. =) got all the pics now.
jess signed off.
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