Be happy. Like me :D I'm NOT RETARDED KAY. .-.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

which spot do u like to KISS? LOL

tagged by rachel.
she dances. haha. erm her mum makes a lot of delicious cookies. and Food.

1.Besides your lips , where is the favourite spot to get kissed ?
erm. hand LOL. or ass. haha. kissass. ok maybe not.

2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning ?
feel like sleeping again.

3. Who was the last person / people you took a photo with?
my brother LOL.

4. Would you consider yourself spoiled ?
what? of course not.

5. Will you ever donate blood ?
yeah but i'm scared. ==

6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
yeah laa.

7. Do you want someone to be dead?
whoa liao. erm. NO. karma.

8. What does your last text message say ?
let me go check LOL.
which phone haha. nvm i say both.
from liyen. she ask me about sas. LOL
another from 22882.
you have successfully redeemed caller ringtone: HOT AND COLD.

9. What are you thinking right now?
erm lost and found.
a song.

1o. Do you want someone to be with you right now ?
erm i dun wanna be a loner. so yeah. haha.

11. What was the time you went to bed last night ?
11.54pm. haha. i hate dreams.
they are pure evil. they eat up my sleep time.

12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now ?
erm. ou its actually my pjymas.

13. Is someone on your mind right now ?
yeah. yeah. guess who pn norsham. omg i just 'LOVE ' her so much.
she scolded me infront of erm. nvm. during anugerah anyway.

14. Who was the last person(s) who text you ?
and celcom haha.

TEN Lucky Person to do this quiz...
1. alex.
2. yiyuan
3. shuyan.
4. james
5. huiwen
6. yee vonne.
7. firb.
8. sophie.
9. eric
10. liyen.

15. Who is no.2(yiyuan) having a relationship with ?
erm. ask him laa. =)

16. Is no.3(shuyan) a male or a female ?
does the name sound like a male? == slimmy shuyan.

17. If no.7(firb) and no.1(alex) get together , would it be a good?
haha. shuyan will cemburu LOL.

18. What is no.1(alex) studying about ?
alibaba's diary.

19. When was the last time you chatted with them ?
erm. diff ways laa.

20.Is no.4(james) single ?
LOL. yeah i tink.

21. Say something about no.2(yiyuan)
he always say others are werid except him. haha.

22. What do you think about no.3(shuyan) & no.6(yee vonne) being together?
erm why so les wan tis tag?
i dunno.

23. Describe no.9(eric).
he is not bald animore. and erm beg poeple to print his logo for him.

24. What will you do if no.6(yee vonne) n no.7(firb) fight ?
aiya wun one laa.

25. Do you like 8 ?

i go do hw. bye.
zoro! LOL.

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